Effective Ways to Neutralize and Eliminate Fake Tan Smell After Showering

Good Eats Inc | Effective Ways to Neutralize and Eliminate Fake Tan Smell After Showering

Effective Ways to Neutralize and Eliminate Fake Tan Smell After Showering

Donning a golden hue from a bottle may be a quick route to a summer glow, but often, the unmistakable scent of fake tan lingers unpleasantly post-shower. This faux sun-kissed radiance comes at a cost—a notable odor that is hard to hide. If you’re wondering how you can emerge from a shower free from this telltale smell, you’re not alone. In this guide, we’ll explore practical and effective ways to neutralize and remove the aroma, leaving you with nothing but a flawless tan.

Understanding the Root of Fake Tan Smells

Man applying hair product in bathroom

The distinct smell produced by most self-tanning products can be attributed to the chemical reaction that occurs when DiHydroxyAcetone (DHA), the active self-tanning ingredient, comes into contact with the amino acids on your skin’s surface. This reaction creates the ‘tanned’ look—and the resultant smell. While product improvements have been made, it’s still a common issue for regular tanners. Many find that despite their efforts, including thorough showering, the scent can persist due to its bond with the skin cells.

Pre-Tan Preparations to Minimize Odors

One key strategy to reduce a fake tan’s odor is to begin with a well-prepped canvas, which means rigorous exfoliation. This process removes dead skin cells, simplifying the tanning product’s task of covering your body evenly and reducing the chance of odor clinging to the skin.

Here’s a recommended approach to skin exfoliation:

  1. Choose the right exfoliant: Look for a gentle, non-abrasive exfoliator. You don’t want to irritate your skin before applying the tanning product.
  2. Be thorough but gentle: Cover all areas where you plan to apply the tan, using circular motions without applying too much pressure.

Using these steps will promote an even application and reduce the longevity of any unwanted smells.

Not all tanning products are created equal. A higher quality tan might cost more, but often they come with the advantage of reduced after-smell. When shopping for a tanning product, it’s wise to do some research. Read reviews and check the ingredients for premium formulas that may contain odor-neutralizing components.

Post-Tan Odor Elimination Techniques

To tackle the tan smell after you’ve applied your product, you’ll need to understand the best post-tan showering techniques. Resist the temptation to wash off your tan too soon. Wait at least 6-8 hours, which allows the DHA to fully develop. When you do shower, use lukewarm water and avoid harsh soaps or scrubs that can strip away the tan and potentially leave even more odor behind.

Natural remedies can often help in a pinch. Consider a homemade scrub or a masking solution, using everyday kitchen items.

Ingredient Purpose Instructions
Baking Soda To neutralize odors Mix with a little water to form a paste and apply to the skin before showering.
Lemon Juice To cut through the DHA scent and also exfoliate Apply directly to the skin or mix with sugar for a DIY scrub.

These homemade solutions can be quite effective at reducing the unpleasant fake tan smell.

Wardrobe and Environment Tips

Smiling woman holding a pink flower

Clothing and fabrics can trap scents, and that includes the odor from your fake tan. The type of fabric you wear after applying a fake tan can make a difference. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Opt for loose, dark clothing: Tight clothing can rub against the tan, causing it to streak and potentially locking in odors. Dark fabrics will prevent any visible staining.
  2. Choose natural fabrics: Materials like cotton and linen are more breathable and less likely to retain smells.

In addition to changing what you wear immediately after tanning, consider washing any fabrics that have come into contact with the tanning product, such as your sheets or towels.

Freshen Your Space

The environment you’re in can also play a role in how you perceive the scent of your fake tan. To keep your living area smelling fresh, allow plenty of air circulation. Open windows to let fresh air in and consider using air purifiers or scented candles to create a pleasant atmosphere while your tan develops and sets in.


In conclusion, there are effective ways to get rid of the fake tan smell after showering. Exfoliate before you tan, choose quality products, and follow the correct post-tan showering protocol. Don’t be afraid to experiment with natural deodorizers and pay attention to fabric choices post-tan for best results. By implementing these strategies into your tanning routine, you can enjoy your desired bronzed glow without the unwanted odor.


Q1: How long does the fake tan smell typically last?
A1: The fake tan smell can last anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days, depending on factors such as the product used, skin type, and personal hygiene.
Q2: Can I immediately shower after applying fake tan to get rid of the smell?
A2: It’s advisable to wait at least 6-8 hours before showering to ensure the tan develops properly. Showering too soon can affect the tan’s quality and may not fully eliminate the scent.
Q3: Will moisturizing after showering help eliminate the fake tan smell?
A3: Moisturizing can help with the tan’s longevity and may mask the scent with that of the lotion. However, it isn’t a guaranteed solution to eliminate the odor.
Q4: Are there any specific ingredients in fake tans that I should avoid if I’m concerned about the smell?
A4: Look for products with higher quality DHA and avoid those with strong fragrances that may mix poorly with the tan’s natural scent. Check reviews for feedback on the product’s odor.
Q5: Can using perfume or scented body sprays help in masking the fake tan smell?
A5: While perfume or body sprays can help mask the odor, they don’t address it directly. It’s better to use tactics like those mentioned above for effective results.
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